The Princess and the frog is a Disney film released in 2009. The story is about a girl in new Orleans that kisses a frog in hopes she will turn it into a prince. Instead she herself turns into a frog, so they both embark on a quest to restore themselves to what they were.
The first piece on concept shows the inside of a very warm and inviting looking interior.The colours surrounding the picture are quite saturated pinks, reds and yellows, making the place feel quite girlie. Since these colour take up about 70% of the picture, it makes me feel like this scene has no threats going on in it.
The lady at the other end of the scene is being shown in white but with a light blue moon light shining from above her. since the light takes up a good third of the picture, I can assume the character must be of some importance. I also think since all the colours around her are light and airy that she must be a good person, maybe even a very cheerful person. Also the fact that all the other animals in the scene are looking upwards at her suggests she is maybe admired or powerful.
In the second picture the environment is very damp, dark a gloomy. The blues show that its night but the darker colours make me feel like the swamp looking place isn't safe. Since the blues take up most of this picture, I'm guessing the environment is much bigger then what id seems, it also looks quite cold and unwelcoming.
The thing that changes the mood of the picture is the small boat in the middle. The boat is giving out a little red and yellow light. compared to the rest of the picture, that is smothered in blue, the red light looks very small, but since its above the darker blues, it seems a little more safe then the outside environment. The warm colours show there there is life living within that boat where as the swamp looks deserted.
The final picture shows 3 people in a green and pink lit environment. There is a lot more pink towards the start of the room where the 2 men stand, and their clothes also reflect the pinky colour. The pinkness of this area makes it seem like they are safe at that distance but not to get any closer, as it seems the pink lights fade down the hallway. I also think that this may not be the case, maybe the pink light it a hint of playfulness, maybe the man at the other side of the room has identified his targets and the people highlighted in pink, are it, and perhaps he used these lights to draw them in on his trick.
One thing is for certain, the man at the other end of the room, that is completely highlighted in a light green, isn't giving off a nice vibe. The tiny yellow table makes the place look a little inviting, but the green light looks like the man is evil and actually planning something nasty. Even though the colours in this picture are quite balanced, it seems the scene is warmer rather then colder, but the complimentary colours clashing together gives it a rather twisted feel.
The other man, shown in yellow, looks a bit out of his comfort zone, being bombarded by the bright colours, but the primary colours he's wearing show strength, maybe pride, and from the way his hands are placed I'm guessing he's looking down on the man towards the end of the hall.
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