Friday 2 November 2012

Week 5 - Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is about a father fish who's son get taken away by a human. He embarks on a quest to rescue his son.
At the start of the film, a predator fish invades marlins home and eats his wife and kids, except 1 little fish egg. The first picture shows the father finding the little egg.
The environment is a very depressing pale blue with a hint of purple. Also the normally brightly orange coloured clown fish is very desaturated and  tinted slightly blue from the environment. The only thing in the scene that is saturated is the little egg.
The blues of the scene make it feel very sad and depressing, yet the little egg, even though its slightly dark, makes the event also a relief that at least one of the little fishes survived.
The next scene shows Nemo going to school. The environment is full of bright saturated colour which make the viewer feel happy and excited. Most of the film is portrait in these bright colours which is what I think makes it such a pleasing film to watch.
The final image shows a bunch of under water bombs exploding in a chain, set off by a shark. When the view sees these bright yellow bursts in, what was a deep dark blue sea only a few seconds before, they become worried and surprised at the sudden change. The viewer should feel a sense of danger and shock from the bright light.

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