Friday 5 October 2012

Week 1 - The Lion King

I was trying to think of films that I have seen that have really striked me as colourful every time I see them. A film I watched recently was probably one of the most colourful films I had seen in a long time, "Rio".  All the jungle and carnival scenes in the film are flooded with really bright simple colours, and full of saturation. It gave off a very happy feeling while I as watching the movie. Even though I thought this movies use of colour was good, when it comes to colour pallet I don't think any film beats "The Lion King".
"The Lion King", was indeed full of lovely colours but you could tell they had taken a lot of time and thought when picking there pallets out for different scenes.
For Example;
The beginning of the film, everything is bright, healthy harmonious colours (blue, light/dark greens) making a good feeling, happy atmosphere.
In the scene where scar is singing with the hyenas,there is a complete change in colours used from harmonious to complementary  The colours portrait his evil mind and feelings, with lots of greens and yellow and huge flashes of red. I've never known why very bright highlighted greens and yellows have always given off that evil feeling but its a good combination. There is also a lot of contrast in this scene with the long black shadows.
When Simba goes back to take pride rock, the deserted landscape is desaturated, lots of dirty colours (browns, blacks, greys) making the audience feel this is a very depressed, empty and lifeless place now.
Once Simba discovers scar killed Mufasa, he it now surrounded by strong harmonious reds, yellows and oranges, showing his anger and setting the atmosphere for the fight. when finally the other lions find out, they run out from the dark shadows of their previous sad emotions, into the light of the fire to help fight.
Towards the end the land regrows and returns to the healthy and lively colours of greens and blues, and everything is as it once was.
Because the artists really thought about the colours and how he or she wanted the audience to feel at certain points of the film, it really has helped make them strong emotional connections with the characters, as you feel like you know what they are thinking or feeling without them even saying a thing or showing an emotion.
You know the artist has done a fantastic job showing the characters feelings through these ways when people (myself included...heh) well-up with tears when ever they so much as witness 10 minutes of the ending. Its a amazing film and they done a fantastic job.

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