Tuesday 16 October 2012

Week 3 - Alice: Madness Returns

The game is based on the well known fairy tale of "Alice in wonderland", with a slight twist. In the game, everyone thinks Alice is insane after her house and family are burned to death in a tragic accident, and her doctor seems to be trying to cure her, but in actual fact the doctor is making her more insane. Because of these events the game jumps from reality and the fantasy world inside Alice's head.
Scenes outside the dream world are desaturated and broken. Some of the scenes are tinted (the hospital scene) and some are very dark (the orphanage) and most have a sepia tone to them. Alice is also portrait in desaturated colours to show her depressed and stressed state.
Most of the environments in the dream world are highly saturated and full of vivid colour (with the exception of a few levels) especially in the first level that introduces you to this crazy eccentric imagined land. Alice also wears brighter clothes in these levels, and her skin is more full of colour.
The lighting in the scenes also strangely is high contrasting. In some of the scenes you can see bright primary red, yellow or blue light flooding areas, making the highly colourful objects more noticeable.
Most of the monster in the dream world are also desaturated and dark shaded, to make you feel like they are out of place and a threat.
Alice's attacks and weapons are also bright and colourful, to make them more noticeable, and to let the player know they are good objects to take out the darkness of the monsters.
When Alice uses her special attack (Hysteria mode) everything in the dream world turns black and white for a short time, and the only thing that is saturated, or coloured at all is the blood in the area. The big contrast of the red on a black and white backgrounds makes you feel something serious is commencing,since this mode only activates when you are low on hp and it also catches you attention.
Most the memory scenes are done with 1 colour in different tones, usually primary colours.
I like the colour pallet they used for this game because it really helped distinguish between the wonderland and reality.  It also made wonderland more creepy in a way, its a dangerous place, yet full of colour, which is the same kind of feeling you get from the monsters (eg: a killer china doll). The colours used also help you know when your in danger, making the game easier to understand.

First Level

Hysteria Mode

The Asylum (reality)

London Streets (reality)

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